Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cross Country in 4 days

Okay, so it was really only 1/2 of the country in 4 days, but it was quite the adventure. I tried to post along the way (you at least got Colorado and Eastern Utah), but here are a few tidbits of fun for you.

Day 1/2: We left Tulsa at 8:30 PM and drove to Wichita. The cats were not drugged and only meowed half the way there. Not to bad and the time went by quickly. We stayed at a dumpy hotel and as Mark's request - 2 queen beds. It's not because he didn't want to be near me, but he knew the cats would also want to be where I was and he didn't want to be anywhere near the cats. So, we got to queeen beds. Mark had one and I shared with Target and Crumb. Granted they were too scared to come out from underneath the bed but once when the jumped on Mark's bed and he quickly pushed them off. What a way to start a cross country journey.

Day 1: Our first full day on the road was from Wichita to Denver. Being that this was a good 8+ hours in the car we decided it was best to drug the cats. This was a two person operation much to Mark's dismay (yes he had to hold the cat as I shoved a pill down their throat). Fifteen minutes into the drive Crumb looked like he was going to die. A quick call to the vet and we found out it was normal. On we went. Thanks to the book on CD "Marley and Me", we had a fairly quick drive to Golden Colorado (see previous post). This is where we discovered the saving grace of the trip - the 2 bedroom suite. This way Mark could sleep in peace in his bedroom and the cats and I shared another room. Yes, married for 8 months and sleeping in different bedrooms - what does this say about us :-)

Day 2: Onward ho to Utah. We crossed beautiful terrain in CO and took many pictures along the way. Because we had the cats in tow we decided not to stop in any of the ski towns (and it was 37 degrees in Vail when we passed - a little cold for our shorts and t-shirts). We drove through Utah and stopped in Utah (Logan I believe). Another 2 room suite and we were happy.

Day 3: Can we make it? As we crossed Idaho and in to Oregon we wondered if we could make it to Seattle. After over 10 hours of driving we decided it was best to stop and arrive fresh the next day. Another day of drugging the cats ( we had it down to a science at this point) and we were off from Utah and stopped in Yakima, WA). Yakima is in Eastern, WA where it is dry and sunny.

Day 4: We made it. We left Yakima around 10:00 AM and made it in to Seattle around 1:00. This is where it gets interesting. Seee next post

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