Sunday, July 27, 2008

Arriving in Seattle

I know this is way out of chronological order, but I'll share anyway since I just shared what I remember of our adventure.
For those of you who have read previous posts you know how much the cats hate their carriers. It's also the reason we had to drug them for the 3 big travel days. I think Crumb may have started to develop an addiction because the last day he was more than pleased to take his happy pill. Even with the drugs we struggled to get them in their carriers (mainly because the drugs typically had not set in).
We had not drugged the cats on the Saturday we arrived in Seattle from Yakima, WA. After a very short 2 hours in the car we pulled up to our new house and I was excited to go inside. Unfortunately my first impression of the house was not a good one because I step out of the car and in to a yard full of bees. Yes, the stinging kind that my entire family knows I HATE. So, I can barely get in to the house I'm so freaked out, but we made it. Only after telling myself the bees don't want to hurt me and running from the car to the front porch only after Mark has unlocked the front door and I can go right in. I'm looking around and oh how different it looks. With no furniture you can see how badly the walls need paint and just how small the kitchen really is. I was not feeling so great about our new investment and it was only confirmed by the cats reaction.
Once we got the cats inside we put them in one of the guest rooms and opened up their carriers. A little hesitant, but they came out and started to take a quick look around. After 2 minutes of venturing in to their new home, they marched right back in to their carriers. Yes, they willingly went back inside their carriers and the look in their eyes said what both of us were thinking. Please take me back HOME.

Luckily the feeling of dread quickly subsided for me and when the movers showed up the next day with our things it started to subside for the cats. Four weeks later we're still settling in, but I think Target and Crumb like their new digs.

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