Sunday, June 29, 2008

You Know You're In the City When...

I know I have much catching up to do with our blog, but I just have to jump to an experience yesterday. So, Mark and I were off for our normal Saturday errands which included Lowe's, Home Depot, and Target. As we are still new in our city, we punch in Target in to the Tom Tom and off we go to the nearest Target to our home - 3 miles away, not too bad. In Tulsa, and every other Target I've been to, when you go to park, you find an expansive parking lot with big SUV's all waiting 5 minutes to get a closer spot. Not so at our new Target. The first indication of our new experience was the parking garage. Yes folks, you heard me correctly, you park in a parking garage for the Target. Actually there are several stores sharing the ramp including a Best Buy and some sporting goods store. Any way, we enter the garage and up we go. Instead of SUV's (as we are in our huge Z71 truck) we see Priuses, Civics, and the occasional Smart Car. We fail to read the signs correctly and park 1 floor below the Target - up we go some stairs to the entrance. A bit confused by the new layout we start walking around and we find a small grocery section - not a Super Target, which would be a big hit out here - we find the pet section, but could not find the pharmacy section. We start walking in a loop and I'm cursing the new Target for not having a good selection when the heavens open up. We see the sign - this is a 2 story Target and most of what you need is up top. So, we see the escalator and look down at our already full cart - cat litter and cat food (the big bags) and we think to ourselves "how is this going to work". This is when the most exciting experience came to a climax. They have an escalator for our cart. Mark didn't hesitate while I just stood in amazement at this new discovery. I'm sure I was showing myself as a true rookie and I rode the human escalator up watching our cart continue the climb on its own escalator. I wanted to take a picture, but neither of us had our camera. So instead, I googled the cart escalator and found others just as amazed and I that had taken pictures. The picture here is one from the internet, but it does show just how cool this little thing is.

After an hour of shopping we checked out and headed down to our car. The lady at the checkout knew I was a newcomer when I asked if there were elevators for our cart. We headed down, loaded up, and left our new Target behind. While pulling out of the parking garage we did happen to see the Express ramp straight to the Target level - we'll take that next time.

Who knows what other adventures we will come to, but we're excited to find out.

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