Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Great Outdoors

For any of those who know me (Angela) you know I'm not really an outdoor person. You also know that Mark and I had quite the fight on our first day of our honeymoon because of a hike. I was convinced he was trying to kill me because he knew I had already changed my life insurance beneficiary. Due to this hiking experience in Hawaii we came up with Angela's hiking scale. I would like to say it ranges from 0-10 with 10 being the most difficult. I would say that the Hawaii hike was a 12 - it ended in me crying and telling off some tourist who asked how it was. I do apologize to that random hiker who I told it just wasn't worth it. I still stick by my guns that it wasn't worth the trecherous hike which could have ended with me plummeting to my death from a cliff. And for your reference I would say a gravel trail on flat land would be about a 2 (a sidewalk is honestly probably a 1).

The reason for all the background is to tell you all how proud I am that Mark is out in Seattle getting his hiking out of the way. Honestly he was trying to scout out some hikes we could do when I get there. He said he's 0 for 2 in finding hikes I would consent to. He called me this evening to tell me he was going on a hike and if he hadn't called me by midnight CDT to call the authorities. (That really gives you a warm fuzzy feeling). The picture on top shown is from his hike today and as I'm typing he's on his way down the trail which he said would have been around a 12 on my scale. The second pictures is from his hike on Saturday where he said "When I hit the snow, it was like climbing up a black-diamond ski hill in tennis shoes". I think I'll stick to my hikes which involve city streets on the way to the Nordstrom flag ship store.

1 comment:

  1. i forgot how funny u are ang-
    u crack me up! my husband would love to "hike" but i am a bit of a complainer when it comes to the outdoors and nature- ewweeee. too bad u are moving we could have shopped while they hiked and would have had the perfect marriages. all well, i guess we are doomed.
    jul man
