Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Great Outdoors

For any of those who know me (Angela) you know I'm not really an outdoor person. You also know that Mark and I had quite the fight on our first day of our honeymoon because of a hike. I was convinced he was trying to kill me because he knew I had already changed my life insurance beneficiary. Due to this hiking experience in Hawaii we came up with Angela's hiking scale. I would like to say it ranges from 0-10 with 10 being the most difficult. I would say that the Hawaii hike was a 12 - it ended in me crying and telling off some tourist who asked how it was. I do apologize to that random hiker who I told it just wasn't worth it. I still stick by my guns that it wasn't worth the trecherous hike which could have ended with me plummeting to my death from a cliff. And for your reference I would say a gravel trail on flat land would be about a 2 (a sidewalk is honestly probably a 1).

The reason for all the background is to tell you all how proud I am that Mark is out in Seattle getting his hiking out of the way. Honestly he was trying to scout out some hikes we could do when I get there. He said he's 0 for 2 in finding hikes I would consent to. He called me this evening to tell me he was going on a hike and if he hadn't called me by midnight CDT to call the authorities. (That really gives you a warm fuzzy feeling). The picture on top shown is from his hike today and as I'm typing he's on his way down the trail which he said would have been around a 12 on my scale. The second pictures is from his hike on Saturday where he said "When I hit the snow, it was like climbing up a black-diamond ski hill in tennis shoes". I think I'll stick to my hikes which involve city streets on the way to the Nordstrom flag ship store.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We Passed

We've passed inspection and on our way to owning our new home. Although, I must say the timing may get the best of me. Being the anal planner that I am, most thing I like planned down to the second. This situation is certainly teaching me to let go (oh so hard). Soon we'll be planning the final pack and move (the tears are already coming). At least I'll be in Oklahoma for another two weeks or so! Stay tuned for more updates.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

House Hunting Part 2

Okay, so we were back to square 1 and I was back to Tulsa. How are we going to do this? I swore to my friend Lisa (who is also in this same relocation boat) that I did not and would not trust Mark to pick out a house without me seeing it first. I really should learn to shut-up because guess what happened? Alright, it's not very hard to guess since I'm leading you up to it. As I told my friend, Kim, it was a God thing. A house in the city of Seattle came on the market afer we made an offer on the "grey" house. When the inspection fell through and we walked away, I had Mark go look at the house (since he is already in Seattle working) It is now known as the Star House (there are painted stars on the stairs going down to the basement). He and our real estate agent, Stacy, loved the house. After seeing several pictures, we put in an offer on a house I've never set foot in. Talk about faith after only 6 months of marriage! Currently we are in the inspection process and so long as everything goes well we are set to close on June 12.

I do have to say that the Star house may be the end of our marriage (not really). You ask why? Well, it needs a total kitchen remodel. Before putting in an offer, Mark promised we could hire a professional to at least design the kitchen space. Since Mark is an engineer and did take one class (10 years ago) on design he does believe he can do this. Mark came home to Tulsa this past weekend and we decided to take a trip to our neighborhood Lowe's to take a look at some appliances, cabinets, and other FUN kitchen remodeling goods. After 3 minutes in the store and a quick argument I realized I had the car keys and was storming out of the store. I have a feeling this kitchen remodel may be a hefty subject for this blog and half the reason I've started (due to the numerous requests for updates). I will keep you posted with all the happenings, but first we need to keep the horse in front of the cart and close on the house first.

Stay tuned for more insight into the VanGroll adventure (we hope we're still married after all of this)

NOTE: I'm being very sarcastic and currently harbor no ill will toward my wonderful husband.

House Hunting - Part 1

Mark and I actually went house hunting the last week in April and boy was it an adventure in itself. Day 1 included looking in the city of Seattle for homes. After looking at about 20 homes we had it narrowed down to 2 - one I loved and Mark hated and one he loved and I hated. did we end up married. Needless to say, we had disagreements throughout the day and by the end we weren't talking. At least I got to watch the finale of Big Brother in peace.

Day 2 proved more fruitful (borrowing a word from my Aunt Chelle) and we both agreed that we loved the suburb of Edmonds, WA. Of course, it ended with me loving one house and Mark loving another. At least this time we didn't end up hating the other one's favorite. We were feeling better about life and celebrated the day with a visit to Rory's bar in Edmonds so we could get a feel for the locals. We ended up meeting 4 wonderful people who raved about the area and all it had to offer. We we're feeling confident that we had made the right decision.

Day 3 was our day to narrow down the homes. We were going to revisit the 2 in the city, but before we could, the house I loved went "Subject to Inspection" meaning the sellers had accepted an offer and it was subject to passing the inspection. So, it went off the list and I immediately told Mark that it was because the house I liked was so much better than his. I did give his house a second chance, but we both decided it was too expensive and still needed a new kitchen. On to Edmonds.... We revisited the 2 homes in Edmonds and after conceeding, we made an offer on the "grey" house.

Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. To celebrate our offer, we decided to go down to a restaurant on the waterfront and have a drink. This is when doubt began to creep in to my mind. We walked in and we were the youngest patrons of the restaurant with the average age being 65 and only because two youngsters (us) walked in to lower it from 75. I know I'm exagerating, but we then started to learn that Edmonds has an older population.

To make a long story short, the grey house went subject to inspection and did not pass. Two major things were wrong and the sellers would not fix them or come down on the price. Mark and I decided to walk away.... back to square 1. House Hunting - Part 2

We're Really Doing This

As many of you know by now Mark and I are starting what we're calling our Great Northwest Adventure. You got it, the Wisconin farm boy and Oklahoma suburbinite are moving to Seattle, Washington, Why, you ask? Just say thank you to the makers of Kleenex (which I've been using readily lately with all the tears). Mark's job with Kimberly-Clark is moving us West.

We hope this blog will be a way to keep anyone interestd up to date on our progress and adventures along the way. We'll post pictures from house hunting to driving cross country with two cats and finally to settling in Seattle. All in all, we're very excited but sad at the same time. Mark is moving even farther from his family in Wisconsin and I'll be leaving my family in Oklahoma. We both love living in Oklahoma and know we're going to be homesick for some time. Stay tuned for more updates on the VanGroll's Great Northwest Adventure!