Saturday, January 21, 2012

12 weeks, 4 days

Pictures from our latest ultrasound.  I am 12 weeks, 4 days along but baby is measuring a full week ahead of schedule.  Hopefully this is an early indication that baby got his/her daddy's height because we know his/her mama was shorted in that department.

Our New Adventure

Mark and I have enjoyed many exciting adventures in the past 4 years of marriage, but now for the biggest of all.  We are having a baby!

Here is the first picture of our little one at 8 weeks gestation.  At this point he/she only had little arm and leg "buds" but still looked more baby than I thought.  Of course it could be because it is our own child, but I could actually tell what we were looking at on the screen.

All is going well with the pregnancy and baby is growing and developing on target for this stage in the game.  Stay tuned for more updates on our new adventure!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

From Old to New or Big to Little

Yes, we miss it.
From Big...
And yes, that is a corn field in the background. There are lots and lots of corn fields and cows.