Saturday, September 6, 2008

Quick Status Update

I made it through 3 days of unemployment and so far so good - alright, maybe not as good as chilling at home and doing whatever I went whenever I want. I guess we have to pay the bills which meant I did have to get a job. I started work on Wednesday, September 3 for a local company (of which I found I'm not supposed to mention the name in any blog posts - according to policy). Typical of a new employee, I feel completely overwhelmed and completely inadequate. I need to beef up on my knowledge of Washington employment law as I've heard WA called "California's cousin". MUCH different than Oklahoma!

I hope to post some pictures and blog material from my parent's visit last weekend. We had a great time and I miss them already. When do I get to come home?????

Mark is visiting Wisconsin this weekend and enjoying his first trip home since last Thanksgiving. I know he was extremely excited, but I bet he doesn't get on the blog and fill everyone in when he gets back to Seattle. For some reason he just doesn't get in to this whole blog thing like I do. Anyone remember the wedding website - he hated that too!