Monday, August 25, 2008

We did it anyway

Our friends Ryan and Courtney told us when we moved here that you can't let the rain get in your way - you just have to get out and do it anyway, so we did. Long ago we purchased tickets to Chateau Ste. Michelle concert series to see Chicago (yes, some of you may be asking "why?", while others are saying "cool"). These concerts are put on rain or shine, and guess which one we had...that's right....rain...surprised?....I didn't think so. Mark and I debated if we would go or not and finally we decided the money was already spent and how would we rather spend our $120...dry and watching TV, or wet and listening to Chicago. We choose the dry option. That was our decision up until 6:30 PM (concert started at 7:00) when Mark looked at the radar and thought the rain was about to pass so we headed out to the winery. It's a really good thing Mark is an engineer and not a meterologist because the rain was not over. We made the best of it and sat in the rain fully equipped with rain gear and a bottle of wine. It was a little cold, a lot wet, but we did it anyway.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Working Girl

It's offical - I'm employed. I accepted a position as a Field HR Manager for Personnel Management Systems, Inc. PMSI provides outsourced HR solutions for small companies who don't have the need for a full-time HR person. I'll be going to different companies and providing their HR support (almost like a consultant). My days of unemployment end on September 3 when I report for my first day. At least I have another 2 weeks to enjoy, although its raining right now and has been for the past 2 days. The picture is of the wine Mark brought home the day I accepted.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Another NW Weekend

As the summer draws to a close (let's face it folks, out here summer is only July & August), Mark and I have been trying to fit in all we can. Work on the house has stopped and we're enjoying as much outside as we can. This weekend was no exception.

Mark had the day off so we started to day with eye doctor appointments and then cupcakes and coffee for breakfast. Yes, cupcakes!!!! Then off to Alki Beach where we took in the sights and ate a picnic lunch. Alki beach is featured in the movie Sleepless in Seattle - its the beach where Tom Hanks takes his son to play football on the beach (they go by boat). After Alki we headed toward home, but stopped at Green Lake (the little lake not to far from us) where we rented a paddle boat and hung out in the glorious sun. It was then time for happy hour - margaritas and chips and guac. We called it a night early so we could be ready for Saturday.

The Hatfields came into the city and we all headed down to Seattle's Chinatown/International District (the I.D. we learned is what it is called for short) to see the sights, eat some authentic chinese food and browse an asian market. The food was good, but a little scary at first as we were rookies with the I.D. experience. Then we headed to Green Lake so Jillian and Charlie could swim and jump off the high dive - expert jumping skills! After 3+ hours in the sun we were all tired and headed home.

This was our most NW day as we got up early and headed to Whidbey Island to see Deception Pass. We ferried over to the island and then drove up the island to Deception Pass state park. We hiked to a beach and walked half way across the Deception Pass bridge. Once we drove across the bridge we hiked again on a trail to Lighthouse Point. Again, with my hiking abilities we can only do a few hikes and this was rated #1 easy hike in our book. If I wasn't a little worried about going on a moderate hike, this easy hike had us pulling our guide book out several times as we took wrong turns constantly. The scenery was beautiful and we saw a bald eagle along the way. We ended the day with a beach bon fire for Charlie Hatfield's 7th birthday party which included hot dogs and a Star Wars cake.

We had a great weekend with great friends. We hope to do a few more outdoor activities before summer really ends - Lisa Hatfield introduced us to Glamping - google it - so we might try that next weekend! Until the next post - enjoy the pics!

Me on the ferry ------------ Mark on the beach

Mark & the bridge --- I did look up the tree before standing in front

I wanted proof that I hiked ----- Mark up the trail

View from the trail ----- View from lighthouse point

View from lighthouse point ----- Look close for the eagle. We actually saw him fly

Deception Pass bridge ------- Mark's thinking pose

Charlie & Jillian----- The boys and their fire
Charlie is a self-proclaimed "spyro" - I think you all know what he means.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fast Fact about Our New Hood

Anybody out there a fan of Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel? Little did Mark and I know that the Northwestern and its captain Sig Hansen live in our little part of Seattle (the Ballard area). Apparently when not out to sea the captain can be found at a couple different bars Mark and I had already checked out prior to this knowledge. Who knew? The boat was actually docked about 1.5 miles from our house the other weekend during Seafood Fest - we didn't go check it out, but now I wish I would have taken a closer look. We'll let you know if we have any crew sightings.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For Kimberlina

Daisies from our backyard. Kim, these are picked in your honor.

The Guest Bedroom is Ready for Visitors



We are ready for visitors - the first to arrive our Angela's parents for Labor Day weekend and we can't wait. The only thing left is some curtains which we hope to have before we entertain.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mission Accomplished - Sort Of

Between Mark on one computer and me on another we were able to get 4 tickets to the Packers v Seahawks game on October 12; however none of them are together. So, while I may be at the game, I might be sitting with complete strangers.

The second interview went well, and they are checking references and if all goes well then I will probably receive an offer. The days of unemployment might be coming to an end....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Assignment

I have been instructed in no uncertain terms to be up, ready, and online for the 10:00 AM PST sale of the Packers v Seahawks tickets. Will I be successful? Oh, and I have a second interview tomorrow with a potential employer. I don't know what Mark wants more - tickets to the game or for me to have a job???? Stay tuned for updates on both topics. Hope everyone had a great weekend and we're anxiously checking the Baby Weiland blog for any updates. Oh when will HBW arrive? We can't wait!